"But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul." - Deuteronomy 4:29

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Too Little Time...

Today, Mary Alan wanted to go outside and take pictures.. All her idea, but I of course was up for it! I think she knows that she's absolutely adorable and is starting to use that to her advantage. She wanted to be a princess so she asked if she could wear the crown that Hunter gave her. She LOVES it too! 

 This little thing loves to dance. To no music, but to the beat of her angels wings.

 Her free spirit and contagious laugh makes me want to join into the fun and laughter. The Lord has blessed her with this ability and I know He will use this in her life. 

 One day she'll be able to open the door on her own but until that day, I will photograph her trying. (p.s. note her calf muscles!)

Mary Alan is the best little sister a girl could ask for. As her birthday gets closer and closer, I am reminded of how quickly time flies. I am only 16, but it seems like yesterday I was playing cats with my friend, Beth Ann, in her den at the same age Mary Alan will be, and I think of how she is going to be my age so quickly and I'll be that much older. Our time here on this Earth is so precious and we shouldn't waste a second of it. We don't know when Jesus will call us home and there is absolutely no way to tell. All we can do is prepare ourselves for meeting Him face to face. It also reminds me of how other people's lives are so precious. How we don't have a second to spare in spreading the gospel to our friends, family, and even strangers we don't really know that well. The time we have to tell the WHOLE world is too short. Every second we spend not glorifying God in our actions and words is less time we have to do just that. Why would we procrastinate this? Why would we not want to share the best thing in our lives with those suffering and needing anything and everything Jesus offers... Compassion, Love, Shelter, Strength, and sooo much more! The things we say and do are the things that make us who we are. They bring out our true character; one that should be crazy in love with Jesus.. So in love that we aren't afraid of standing up for what we believe in. A love that makes us WANT to tell everyone we see the truth about Christ. God calls us to share His word with everyone so why would we be scared? If He is calling us to do this, He will go with us! Yes, it definitely will be hard a lot of the time, but it will be SO worth it in the end!!! On that day when He calls us home and we can look back with absolutely NO regrets; feeling completely at peace with the way we glorified God. Let that be you. I pray that it will be me too, but it is a battle we all have to be willing to fight. Go out and fight the good fight; the one Jesus is the commander of. He is with you! Do not be afraid.